Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alacria Swan of Carl F. Bucherer Is Shining

Carl F. Bucherer is famous in the female wristwatch field. It is a famous Swiss watch brand. It does well in inlaying the diamonds. Alacria Swan is on of a Carl F. Bucherer female wristwatch. It belongs to Alacria series. The watch has inlaid more than 13000 high quality diamonds. It is also a mirror shows Carl F. Bucherer’s high traditional technique.

The designation of the wristwatch master is very special. He is careful at the designation and making process, then, he created the marvelous wristwatch. It is big a contribution wristwatch field. The luxury and practical material, singular art, passionate creation caught people’s eyes. Alacria Swan bloomed extremely luxury light. On the watchcase, 348 diamonds shining and shining. 137 diamonds sleep on the watch dial. And on the watch chain 844 diamonds densely inlaid. What’s more, a big diamond is shining on the watch crown. All the diamonds are handmade. They are inlaid careful. The diamonds are in high quality and beautiful.

Bucherer named the watch Alacria swan. This name can date back the foundation of the senior jewelry brand in Luzern in 1894. It is to memorize its foundation. Luzern is a Swiss city lies in highland. It is surrounded by mountains. The scene of the city likes a picture. And happiness and unrestrained atmosphere is fulfilled in the city. The city just likes a little Swiss. The magical charming city owes the famous Church Bridge and Mount Pilatus. People enjoy the beauty that thousands of swans playing in the Lake Luzern. Wandering bank of Lake Luzern, the spirits in the mirror like lake take you to a fairy tale’s world. The clean lake water seemed to have been enchanted, it becomes shining Swan Lake.

Except the lake Luzern inspired the wristwatch’s maker, 1888 the first jewelry watch shop was founded in Kapellgasse. Follow the watch to a swan world, you will see a marvelous beauty that can’t be found in the mortal world.

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